Little River Band - Дискография 1975-2018

Полная дискография группы Little River Band - легендарный австралийский рок-банд производительности 1975-2018 годов. Купите полный набор альбомов и синглов Little River Band в нашем интернет-магазине.
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Little River Band - Дискография 1975-2018
Little River Band - Дискография 1975-2018

Жанр: Yacht Rock, Soft Rock, Pop Rock, Classic Rock, Folk Rock, Melodic Rock, Country Rock, AOR, Symphonic Rock || Страна: Melbourne, Australia (Nashville, US) || Год издания: 1975-2018
Аудиокодек: MP3 || Битрейт аудио: 128-320 kbps || Продолжительность: 2d 22:58:34



Текущий состав: Wayne Nelson - vocals, bass (1980-95, 1999- )
Rich Herring - lead guitar (2006- )
Greg Hind - guitar, vocals (2000- )
Chris Marion - keyboards (2004- )
Mel Watts - drums (2007- )
Бывшие участники: Glenn Shorrock - vocals (1975-82, 1987-95)
Graham Goble - guitar, vocals (1975-90)
Beeb Birtles - guitar, vocals (1975-83)
Derek Pelliccci - drums (1975-84, 1987-97)
Graham Davidge - lead guitar (1975)
Rick Formosa - lead guitar (1975-76)
Roger McLachlan - bass (1975-76, 1998-99)
David Briggs - lead guitar (1976-81)
George McArdle - bass (1976-79)
Barry Sullivan - bass (1979-80)
Mal Logan - keyboards (1979-80)
Stephen Housden - lead guitar (1981-2006)
John Farnham - lead vocals (1982-86)
David Hirschfelder - keyboards (1983-86)
Steve Prestwich - drums (1984-86)
Malcolm Wakeford - drums (1986)
Peter Beckett - guitar, vocals (1989-97)
Tony Sciuto - keyboards, guitar, vocals (1990-92, 1993-97)
Richard Bryant - keyboards (1992)
Steve Wade - lead vocals (1996-99)
Hal Tupaea - bass (1996-97)
Kevin Murphy - drums, vocals (1999-2004)
Adrian Scott - keyboards, vocals (1998-99)
Paul Gildea - guitar, vocals (1998-99)
Glenn Reither - keyboards, saxophone, vocals (1999-2004)
Kip Raines - drums (2004-2005)
Billy Thomas - drums (2005-2007)

О группе (исполнителе)


"Little River Band" - первая австралийская команда, добившаяся серьезного коммерческого успеха за пределами своей родины и в частности в Америке. Группа образовалась в 1975 году, когда объединились уже довольно известные на местной сцене музыканты: Гленн Шоррок (вокал; экс-"Twilights", "Axiom"), Биб Бетлс (гитара, вокал; экс-"Zoot", "Mississippi") и Грэхэм Гобл (гитара, вокал; экс-"Mississippi"). Дополнили состав "LRB" гитарист Рик Формоза, басист Роджер МакЛахлэн и ударник Дерек Пеллисси, также пришедший из "Mississippi", а менеджером ансамбля стал бывший басист "Masters Apprentices" Гленн Уитли. Оставив непродолжительные бесплодные попытки сделать себе имя в Англии, австралийцы переориентировались на американский рынок и видимо поэтому их первые работы несколько напоминали "Eagles".
Выпустив пару альбомов, "Little River Band" сделали пробную вылазку в США, причем там им довелось поиграть вместе с "Average White Band" и "Queen". Если первым австралийским хитом стал миньон "Curiosity (Killed The Cat)", то в Америке успех сорвала отредактированная сингловая версия композиции с первого альбома "It's A Long Way There". Закреплять свои позиции команде пришлось бесконечными гастролями, однако не все выдержали плотный график, и первым ушел МакЛахэн.
Новым басистом стал Джордж МакАрдл, а вскоре Формоза уступил место Дэвиду Бриггсу. Вторую пластинку американская выпускающая компания сочла несколько мрачноватой, поэтому на основе материала "After Hours" был сделан специальный заокеанский вариант альбома, "Diamantina Cocktail". Данная работа стала серьезным прорывом, поскольку диск занял 49-ю строчку "Billboard", а сопутствующие синглы "Help Is On Its Way" (№ 1 в Австралии) и "Happy Anniversary" угодили в Топ 20. Карьера "ансамбля с маленькой речки" пошла в гору, и следующий альбом "Sleeper Catcher", сопровождаемый двумя выстрелами в горячую десятку ("Reminiscing" и Lady"), взял платину. В 1979-м австралийским софт-рокерам удалось загнать в американский Топ 10 не только миньоны "Lonesome Loser" и "Cool Change", но и полнометражку "First Under The Wire".
Впрочем, все эти победы не спасали коллектив от кадровых перестановок. В том же 1979-м ушел МакАрдл, и после непродолжительной его замены Барри Салливаном басуха досталась Уэйну Нельсону. В 1981-м на месте Бриггса оказался Стивен Хаусден, но более серьезное потрясение команде пришлось пережить в 1982-м, когда из рядов "Little River Band" был изгнан Шоррок. С подачи Гобла место у микрофона занял популярный австралийский певец Джон Фарнхэм.
Несмотря на то, что его прежняя сольная карьера продвигалась довольно успешно, фанаты "LRB" не восприняли такой альянс и не очень охотно покупали пластинки, записанные с его участием. Недовольны были и некоторые члены команды, и в 1983-м хлопнул дверью Бетлс, а вслед за ним отчалил и Пеллисси. Записав с "Little River Band" три альбома, Фарнхэм наконец-то сообразил, что его присутствие в группе неуместно, и вернулся к сольной карьере. Некоторое время проект лежал в коме, и лишь по возвращении Шоррока и Пеллисси студийная работа возобновилась. В 1988 и 1990 годах коллектив выпустил пару альбомов, однако после ухода Гобла "Little River Band" сосредоточились на концертной деятельности.
В 1996-м вновь сбежал Шоррок, а права на "LRB" к тому моменту приобрел Хаусден. На некоторое время команду покидал и Нельсон, а по возвращении Уэйну добавились обязанности лидер-вокалиста. К 2000 году кадровая лихорадка, преследовавшая группу последнее время, улеглась, и "литтлривербэнду" удалось выпустить три альбома без замен в составе. Кстати, в третьем тысячелетии пробовали проводить реюнионы Бетлс, Шоррок и Гобл, но в силу причин правового характера они не могли пользоваться именем "Little River Band".


When Little River Band formed in 1975, Australia immediately took notice. The key bandmembers were already well known to Australians. Lead singer Glenn Shorrock had made his name in mid-'60s group the Twilights, a Beatles-sounding pop group that scored a national number one record with its version of the Velvelettes' "Needle in a Haystack." When the group broke up in 1969, Shorrock became lead singer of Axiom, whose "A Little Ray of Sunshine" is still an Australian classic rock staple. LRB's Beeb Birtles had been the bass player for a popular Twilights-era pop group called Zoot (Rick Springfield was a later member). When that group broke up, in search of musical credibility, Birtles auditioned as the bass player, but was instantly elevated to a front-line position alongside Graham Goble. Even LRB's manager was well-known. Glenn Wheatley had been the bassist with another of Australia's bands, and possibly its most legendary, the Masters Apprentices. Given all that background, when Shorrock and Birtles revealed they were forming a group with Goble, managed by Wheatley, it was major event in Australian music.
They had all had a shot at international stardom via England, without success. Little River Band were formed to conquer the world from Australia via America. With that in mind, they almost immediately went into the studio, even before the rest of the band had been consolidated. They were retaining Mississippi drummer Derek Pellicci and were on the lookout for a guitarist and a bass player. A very early version of the group recorded the Everly Brothers' "When Will I Be Loved" as a single, a recording that was shelved when Linda Ronstadt also happened to choose that song as a single. The blueprint for Little River Band was country-rock as practiced by exponents like the Eagles.
Their self-titled first album was released in November 1975. The following May they released a second album, After Hours, and in September of that year set off on their first trip overseas to support Queen at Hyde Park and the Average White Band in the U.S. to promote the release of the first album. Its eight-and-a-half-minute epic "It's a Long Way There" had been edited down for release as a single and was starting to make quite an impact. Graham Goble had written the song about the long trip taking his laundry back to his mother in Adelaide from Melbourne. To an America in shock after the Nixon presidency, the song took on a whole other dimension. LRB had made a big breakthrough. Their American record company decided that the second album, After Hours, was too dark, and put the band straight into the studio to record the next album, resolving to use some of the After Hours tracks and the best of what was being recorded for the band's third Australian album. In both forms the result was called Diamantina Cocktail, produced by John Boylan (Linda Ronstadt).
To date, LRB's success in Australia had been modestly in keeping with the band's place in Australian music history -- respected but not totally embraced. The single from the new album, Glenn Shorrock's "Help Is on Its Way," changed that. Another important hit in America, in Australia it went all the way to number one. The album sold gold in America, the first time an Australian act had achieved such a feat. It was followed by Sleeper Catcher, again produced by Boylan, the first album recorded in Australia to sell over a million copies in the U.S. This time, LRB's greater success was in America, with the single "Reminiscing" becoming a number three hit. This was the song John Lennon confessed he made love to during his "long weekend" separation from Yoko Ono.
For the next four years, LRB kept straddling the two continents, with the band renowned for its impeccable live performances. Internally, relationships were not as happy. From the first album on, front-liners Shorrock, Birtles, and Goble recorded separately. On the road they traveled separately. Only on-stage were they "together." Regular changes in the back line only contributed to the tensions. During one break between American tours, Goble started writing and producing an album for Australian pop legend John Farnham. He then agitated the band to replace Shorrock with Farnham. Australia pricked up its ears, but America was in shock, as this still successful band moved toward replacing the singer of all its big hits with an unknown. Nevertheless, the change was made and Farnham walked straight into the recording studio to record The Net. More lineup changes followed, including the departure of Beeb Birtles.
Whispering Jack
In all, John Farnham recorded three albums with LRB over four years. The experiment never worked. Whatever Farnham's talents, America longed for Glenn Shorrock. At the end of 1985, while LRB were seriously contemplating their future, Farnham took the initiative of leaving to start work on another solo album, Whispering Jack, an album that completely rehabilitated Farnham as the biggest-selling artist in Australia. LRB regrouped in 1988 with new management and a new record label. Glenn Shorrock and Derek Pellicci rejoined Goble, with "new boys" Wayne Nelson and John Housden added, to record the Monsoon album and its single, "Love Is a Bridge." In 1990, Goble left Little River Band as a touring member, and the band as fans had known it finally called it a day in 1991.
We Call It Christmas
And yet the story continued. For a while, drummer Derek Pellicci mounted Little River Band tours with a lineup including Glenn Shorrock. When Shorrock didn't want to meet one particular schedule due to other commitments, he was sacked, resulting in unpleasant legal action. Then Pellicci also departed, but an LRB lineup continued living and working in America, still featuring those latecomers Wayne Nelson and Steve Housden. In spite -- or maybe because -- of all this, the holiday album We Call It Christmas appeared in 2008.

Дискографии и коллекции: MusiKc - за
Senor Peligro - за

Альбомы: marmalin - за
Polydor - за

Концерты: Ready.zp - за

Изменения в раздаче (последнее 29.06.2018)

  • 1) Заменено на 320 kbps:
- Compilations:
-- 1994 - Reminiscing - The Twentieth Anniversary Collection (2CD)
-- 1996 - Premium Gold Collection
-- 2008 - Essential Masters
- Lives:
-- 1993 - Live Classics
-- 2010 - Little River Band Live
-- 2012 - The Very Best Of Little River Band (Live)
-- 2013 - Introducing Little River Band
-- 2014 - Some Other River - Best Of The Little River Band
-- 2016 - Live At Paul's Mall, Boston, July 1977 (Remastered)
-- 2016 - Reminiscing Live - At The University Of Massachusetts, August 9Th 1978 (Remastered)
-- 2016 - The Night Owls- Live At The Arena, Seattle, WA 15 Sep '81 (Remastered)
- Singles:
-- 2006 - Live Country Masters - Happy Anniversary (Web-Single)
  • 2) Добавлено (всё 320 kbps):
- Compilations:
-- 1994 - Best - The Night Owls
-- 2001 - The Very Best Little River Band Album Ever
-- 2003 - The Best Of
- Lives:
-- 2018 - Just Say I Love You
- Singles:
-- 2013 - The Lost And The Lonely (Web-Single)


Albums (35 CD, 1d 01:59:32) ¤ 128-320 kbps

CD non-remastered (16 CD, 12:40:39) ¤ 160-320 kbps

1975 - Little River Band (1997 US) (320 kbps) ¤ 00:45:20

[00:08:38] 01. It's A Long Way There
[00:03:41] 02. Curiosity (Killed The Cat)
[00:03:55] 03. Meanwhile...
[00:05:16] 04. My Lady And Me
[00:04:49] 05. I'll Always Call Your Name
[00:03:31] 06. Emma
[00:05:06] 07. The Man In Black
[00:03:36] 08. Statue Of Liberty
[00:03:25] 09. I Know It
[00:03:18] 10. Please Don't Ask Me
Продолжительность: 00:45:20

1976 - After Hours (1996 US) (320 kbps) ¤ 00:51:22

[00:03:47] 01. Seine City
[00:04:23] 02. Bourbon Street
[00:04:39] 03. Sweet Old Fashioned Man
[00:07:14] 04. Country Girls
[00:03:54] 05. The Drifter
[00:03:08] 06. L.A. In The Sunshine
[00:02:50] 07. Witchery
[00:04:28] 08. Raelene Raelene
[00:04:03] 09. Changed And Different
[00:02:42] 10. The Butterfly
[00:05:22] 11. Days On The Road
[00:04:46] 12. Long Jumping Jeweler
Продолжительность: 00:51:22

1977 - Diamantina Cocktail (1986 US) (320 kbps) ¤ 00:38:14

[00:04:05] 01. Help Is On Its Way
[00:04:55] 02. Days On The Road
[00:04:04] 03. Happy Anniversary
[00:06:34] 04. Another Runway
[00:03:53] 05. Every Day Of My Life
[00:03:53] 06. Home On Monday
[00:03:31] 07. The Inner Light
[00:03:27] 08. Broke Again
[00:03:48] 09. Take Me Home
Продолжительность: 00:38:14

1978 - Sleeper Catcher (1996 US) (320 kbps) ¤ 00:50:21

[00:03:52] 01. Shut Down Turn Off
[00:04:15] 02. Reminiscing
[00:04:35] 03. Red-Headed Wild Flower
[00:08:05] 04. Light Of Day
[00:04:00] 05. Fall From Paradise
[00:04:58] 06. Lady
[00:04:14] 07. Sanity's Side
[00:04:24] 08. So Many Paths
[00:04:02] 09. One For The Road
[00:03:49] 10. Take Me Home
[00:04:02] 11. Changed And Different
Продолжительность: 00:50:21

1979 - First Under The Wire (1996 US) (320 kbps) ¤ 00:46:30

[00:04:01] 01. Lonesome Loser
[00:04:19] 02. The Rumor
[00:04:25] 03. By My Side
[00:05:14] 04. Cool Change
[00:03:56] 05. It's Not A Wonder
[00:02:42] 06. Hard Life (Prelude)
[00:04:48] 07. Hard Life
[00:04:28] 08. Middle Man
[00:04:19] 09. Man On The Run
[00:05:17] 10. Mistress Of Mine
[00:02:58] 11. When Will I Be Loved?
Продолжительность: 00:46:30

1982 - Time Exposure (1996 US) (320 kbps) ¤ 00:46:16

[00:05:19] 01. The Night Owls
[00:04:18] 02. Man On Your Mind
[00:03:47] 03. Take It Easy On Me
[00:04:05] 04. Ballerina
[00:04:33] 05. Love Will Survive
[00:01:54] 06. Full Circle
[00:04:03] 07. Just Say That You Love Me
[00:03:24] 08. Suicide Boulevard
[00:04:30] 09. Orbit Zero
[00:03:56] 10. Don't Let The Needle Win
[00:03:33] 11. Guiding Light
[00:02:49] 12. The Other Guy
Продолжительность: 00:46:16

1983 - The Net (1996 US) (320 kbps) ¤ 00:46:18

[00:05:11] 01. You're Driving Me Out Of My Mind
[00:04:32] 02. We Two
[00:03:20] 03. No More Tears
[00:05:23] 04. Mr. Socialite
[00:02:56] 05. Down On The Border
[00:04:01] 06. The Danger Sign
[00:04:17] 07. Falling
[00:05:14] 08. Sleepless Nights
[00:04:01] 09. Easy Money
[00:04:41] 10. The Net
[00:02:38] 11. One Day
Продолжительность: 00:46:18

1984 - Playing To Win (1996 US) (320 kbps) ¤ 00:50:05

[00:02:57] 01. Playing To Win
[00:04:07] 02. Reappear
[00:05:01] 03. Blind Eyes
[00:05:17] 04. Through Her Eyes
[00:04:24] 05. When Cathedrals Were White
[00:05:28] 06. Relentless
[00:04:11] 07. Piece Of The Dream
[00:03:29] 08. Don't Blame Me
[00:03:34] 09. One Shot In The Dark
[00:03:51] 10. Count Me In
[00:03:14] 11. "D"
[00:04:26] 12. Playing To Win (Extended Version)
Продолжительность: 00:50:05

1986 - No Reins (1996 US) (320 kbps) ¤ 00:56:26

[00:04:39] 01. Face In The Crowd
[00:04:48] 02. It's Just A Matter Of Time
[00:04:43] 03. Time For Us
[00:04:40] 04. No Reins On Me
[00:05:13] 05. When The War Is Over
[00:04:28] 06. Thin Ice
[00:04:36] 07. How Many Nights?
[00:05:08] 08. Forever Blue
[00:04:12] 09. Paper Paradise
[00:06:01] 10. It Was The Night
[00:03:38] 11. St. Louis
[00:04:15] 12. The Netherlands
Продолжительность: 00:56:26

1988 - Monsoon (320 kbps) ¤ 00:48:31

[00:04:37] 01. It's Cold Out Tonight
[00:03:23] 02. Parallel Lines
[00:04:06] 03. Love Is A Bridge
[00:04:28] 04. The Rhythm King
[00:04:45] 05. Face In The Crowd
[00:04:50] 06. A Cruel Madness
[00:04:23] 07. Inside Story
[00:04:46] 08. Son Of A Famous Man
[00:04:21] 09. Soul Searching
[00:04:55] 10. Great Unknown
[00:03:49] 11. Shadow In The Rain
Продолжительность: 00:48:31

1990 - Get Lucky (320 kbps) ¤ 00:43:52

[00:04:14] 01. If I Get Lucky
[00:03:50] 02. There's Not Another You
[00:04:14] 03. Second Wind
[00:04:38] 04. Every Time I Turn Around
[00:04:50] 05. I Dream Alone
[00:04:08] 06. Time & Eternity
[00:04:29] 07. Two Emotions
[00:04:36] 08. As Long As I'm Alive
[00:03:56] 09. The One That Got Away
[00:04:52] 10. Listen To Your Heart
Продолжительность: 00:43:52

2000 - Where We Started From (2001 UK) (160 kbps) ¤ 00:46:24

[00:03:52] 01. Where We Started From
[00:04:28] 02. This Place
[00:03:26] 03. Magazine Girl
[00:03:49] 04. Just You And I
[00:05:12] 05. The Night Owls (2000 Version)
[00:03:21] 06. I Think I Left My Heart With You
[00:04:51] 07. Who Made The Moon
[00:04:14] 08. Look In Your Eyes
[00:04:36] 09. American Way
[00:03:16] 10. Lead Me To Water
[00:05:13] 11. Cool Change (2000 Version)
Продолжительность: 00:46:24

2000 - Where We Started From (2001 US) (320 kbps) ¤ 00:47:57

[00:03:54] 01. Where We Started From
[00:04:30] 02. This Place
[00:03:26] 03. Magazine Girl
[00:03:50] 04. Just You And I
[00:06:15] 05. The Night Owls
[00:03:24] 06. I Think I Left My Heart With You
[00:04:53] 07. Who Made The Moon
[00:04:15] 08. Look In Your Eyes
[00:04:36] 09. American Way
[00:03:18] 10. Lead Me To Water
[00:05:31] 11. Cool Change
Продолжительность: 00:47:57

2004 - Test Of Time (320 kbps) ¤ 00:48:11

[00:04:41] 01. The Long Goodbye
[00:04:56] 02. Should I Go
[00:03:42] 03. Back In Your Arms
[00:04:29] 04. Old Money
[00:04:44] 05. Hold On
[00:04:25] 06. Enlighten Me
[00:03:49] 07. Forever Now
[00:04:15] 08. Can't Get You Outta My Heart
[00:03:54] 09. I've Met Love Before
[00:05:37] 10. I'm Waiting
[00:03:32] 11. There's A Bus Leaving
Продолжительность: 00:48:11

2011 - A Little River Band Christmas (320 kbps) ¤ 00:48:22

[00:04:03] 01. We Call It Christmas
[00:03:55] 02. The Season Of Love
[00:03:49] 03. Mary's Christmas
[00:04:28] 04. We Three Kings
[00:04:11] 05. Do They Know It's Christmas
[00:03:52] 06. My Grownup Christmas List
[00:03:29] 07. You Make It Feel Like Christmas
[00:03:16] 08. O Little Town Of Bethlehem
[00:04:21] 09. A Joyful Noise
[00:03:54] 10. Jesus, What A Wonderful Child
[00:03:40] 11. Celebrate Me Home
[00:01:56] 12. Silent Night
[00:03:21] 13. 'Til The Season Comes 'Round Again
Продолжительность: 00:48:22

2013 - Cuts Like A Diamond (320 kbps) ¤ 00:46:25

[00:03:25] 01. The Lost And The Lonely
[00:03:21] 02. Forever You Forever Me
[00:03:37] 03. Cuts Like A Diamond
[00:04:56] 04. You Dream I'll Drive
[00:03:42] 05. I'm An Island
[00:04:01] 06. Way Too Good
[00:03:59] 07. What If You're Wrong
[00:04:11] 08. Where Do I Run
[00:06:28] 09. Someone
[00:04:40] 10. Who Speaks For Me
[00:04:00] 11. Love Is
Продолжительность: 00:46:25

CD remastered (10 CD, 07:34:27) ¤ 192-320 kbps

1975 - Little River Band (2010 Digital) (192, 320 kbps) ¤ 00:54:55

[00:08:44] 01. It's A Long Way There (192 kbps)
[00:03:44] 02. Curiosity (Killed The Cat)
[00:03:57] 03. Meanwhile
[00:05:20] 04. My Lady And Me
[00:04:51] 05. I'll Always Call Your Name
[00:03:29] 06. Emma (192 kbps)
[00:05:09] 07. The Man In Black
[00:03:32] 08. Statue Of Liberty
[00:03:27] 09. I Know It
[00:04:52] 10. I Just Don't Get The Feeling Anymore
[00:04:50] 11. Love Is A Feeling
[00:02:57] 12. Time To Fly
Продолжительность: 00:54:55

1976 - After Hours (2010 Digital) (320 kbps) ¤ 00:44:13

[00:05:21] 01. Days On The Road
[00:03:50] 02. Everyday Of My Life
[00:03:26] 03. Broke Again
[00:03:44] 04. Seine City
[00:06:30] 05. Another Runway
[00:04:21] 06. Bourbon Street
[00:04:37] 07. Sweet Old Fashioned Man
[00:05:10] 08. Take Me Home
[00:07:11] 09. Country Girls
Продолжительность: 00:44:13

1977 - Diamantina Cocktail (2010 Digital) (320 kbps) ¤ 00:42:49

[00:04:07] 01. Help Is On Its Way
[00:03:54] 02. The Drifter
[00:03:09] 03. L.A. In The Sunshine
[00:03:32] 04. The Inner Light
[00:02:51] 05. Witchery
[00:03:55] 06. Home On Monday
[00:04:06] 07. Happy Anniversary
[00:04:29] 08. Raelene Raelene
[00:04:04] 09. Changed And Different
[00:04:51] 10. Days On The Road (Version 2)
[00:03:47] 11. Take Me Home (Version 2)
Продолжительность: 00:42:49

1978 - Sleeper Catcher (2010 Digital) (320 kbps) ¤ 00:42:16

[00:03:52] 01. Shut Down Turn Off
[00:04:13] 02. Reminiscing
[00:04:35] 03. Red-Headed Wild Flower
[00:08:02] 04. Light Of Day
[00:03:58] 05. Fall From Paradise
[00:04:57] 06. Lady
[00:04:12] 07. Sanity's Side
[00:04:24] 08. So Many Paths
[00:04:00] 09. One For The Road
Продолжительность: 00:42:16

1979 - First Under The Wire (2010 Digital) (320 kbps) ¤ 00:43:25

[00:03:58] 01. Lonesome Loser
[00:04:18] 02. The Rumor
[00:04:26] 03. By My Side
[00:05:13] 04. Cool Change
[00:03:56] 05. It's Not A Wonder
[00:02:44] 06. Hard Life (Prelude)
[00:04:47] 07. Hard Life
[00:04:27] 08. Middle Man
[00:04:17] 09. Man On The Run
[00:05:15] 10. Mistress Of Mine
Продолжительность: 00:43:25

1981 - Time Exposure (2010 Digital) (192, 320 kbps) ¤ 00:48:04

[00:05:19] 01. The Night Owls
[00:04:16] 02. Man On Your Mind
[00:03:47] 03. Take It Easy On Me
[00:04:03] 04. Ballerina
[00:04:32] 05. Love Will Survive
[00:01:55] 06. Full Circle
[00:03:59] 07. Just Say That You Love Me
[00:03:23] 08. Suicide Boulevard (192 kbps)
[00:04:29] 09. Orbit Zero
[00:03:55] 10. Don't Let The Needle Win
[00:03:33] 11. Guiding Light
[00:04:46] 12. Long Jumping Jeweler
Продолжительность: 00:48:04

1983 - The Net (2010 Digital) (192, 320 kbps) ¤ 00:43:49

[00:05:13] 01. You're Driving Me Out Of My Mind
[00:04:34] 02. We Two
[00:03:22] 03. No More Tears
[00:05:24] 04. Mr. Socialite
[00:02:57] 05. Down On The Border (192 kbps)
[00:04:02] 06. The Danger Sign
[00:04:18] 07. Falling
[00:05:14] 08. Sleepless Nights
[00:04:02] 09. Easy Money
[00:04:39] 10. The Net
Продолжительность: 00:43:49

1984 - Playing To Win (2010 Digital) (320 kbps) ¤ 00:42:25

[00:02:59] 01. Playing To Win
[00:04:06] 02. Reappear
[00:05:00] 03. Blind Eyes
[00:05:17] 04. Through Her Eyes
[00:04:23] 05. When Cathedrals Were White
[00:05:30] 06. Relentless
[00:04:12] 07. Piece Of The Dream
[00:03:32] 08. Don't Blame Me
[00:03:36] 09. One Shot In The Dark
[00:03:48] 10. Count Me In
Продолжительность: 00:42:25

1986 - No Reins (2010 Digital) (320 kbps) ¤ 00:48:18

[00:04:39] 01. Face In The Crowd
[00:04:49] 02. It's Just A Matter Of Time
[00:04:43] 03. Time For Us
[00:04:38] 04. No Reins On Me
[00:05:10] 05. When The War Is Over
[00:04:28] 06. Thin Ice
[00:04:35] 07. How Many Nights?
[00:05:07] 08. Forever Blue
[00:04:08] 09. Paper Paradise
[00:05:56] 10. It Was The Night
Продолжительность: 00:48:18

1988 - Too Late To Load (2010 Digital) (320 kbps) ¤ 00:44:08

[00:02:55] 01. When Will I Be Loved?
[00:02:57] 02. "D"
[00:04:29] 03. Gunslinger
[00:03:18] 04. Please Don't Ask Me
[00:02:52] 05. The Shut Out
[00:02:40] 06. One Day
[00:03:05] 07. Love Letters (Live)
[00:04:53] 08. Stormy Surrender
[00:03:17] 09. What Ya Thinka Me
[00:04:41] 10. Tender Betrayal
[00:02:33] 11. The Butterfly (Live)
[00:02:56] 12. Chip Off The Old Block
[00:03:26] 13. Good Wine
Продолжительность: 00:44:08

Vinyl (9 LP, 06:27:28) ¤ 128-320 kbps

1975 - Little River Band (320 kbps) ¤ 00:42:11

[00:08:42] 01. It's A Long Way There
[00:03:43] 02. Curiosity (Killed The Cat)
[00:03:56] 03. Meanwhile
[00:05:17] 04. My Lady And Me
[00:04:50] 05. I'll Always Call Your Name
[00:03:31] 06. Emma
[00:05:07] 07. The Man In Black
[00:03:36] 08. Statue Of Liberty
[00:03:25] 09. I Know It
Продолжительность: 00:42:11
Источник оцифровки: alvaedis Техническая информация: Код класса состояния винила: VG
Устройство воспроизведения: Michell Gyrodec (Orbe Platter upgrade) SME V Lyra Delos
Предварительный усилитель: PS audio GCPH (power mod)
АЦП: Prism Sound Lyra 2
Обработка: вручную выбрал щелчки в Izotope RX

1977 - Diamantina Cocktail (320 kbps) ¤ 00:38:17

[00:04:08] 01. Help Is On Its Way
[00:04:55] 02. Days On The Road
[00:04:05] 03. Happy Anniversary
[00:06:32] 04. Another Runway
[00:03:53] 05. Every Day Of My Life
[00:03:53] 06. Home On Monday
[00:03:31] 07. The Inner Light
[00:03:28] 08. Broke Again
[00:03:50] 09. Take Me Home
Продолжительность: 00:38:17
Источник оцифровки: alvaedis Техническая информация: Код класса состояния винила: Ex
Устройство воспроизведения: Michell Gyrodec (Orbe Platter upgrade) SME V Lyra Delos
Предварительный усилитель: PS audio GCPH (power mod)
АЦП: Prism Sound Lyra 2
Обработка: вручную выбрал щелчки в Izotope RX

1978 - Sleeper Catcher (320 kbps) ¤ 00:42:36

[00:03:52] 01. Shut Down Turn Off
[00:04:15] 02. Reminiscing
[00:04:35] 03. Red-Headed Wild Flower
[00:08:09] 04. Light Of Day
[00:03:58] 05. Fall From Paradise
[00:04:55] 06. Lady
[00:04:17] 07. Sanity's Side
[00:04:26] 08. So Many Paths
[00:04:05] 09. One For The Road
Продолжительность: 00:42:36
Источник оцифровки: Valiko Техническая информация: Код класса состояния винила: Ex
Устройство воспроизведения: DIATONE LT-3
Головка звукоснимателя: DENON DL-103
Предварительный усилитель: MC Pre-Preamp AUDIONIX ADN-III, RIAA Preamp - VICTOR P-3030
АЦП: ESI Juli@
Программа-оцифровщик: AA CS6
Обработка: не производилась

1979 - First Under The Wire (320 kbps) ¤ 00:43:36

[00:04:02] 01. Lonesome Loser
[00:04:20] 02. The Rumor
[00:04:25] 03. By My Side
[00:05:15] 04. Cool Change
[00:03:58] 05. It's Not A Wonder
[00:02:42] 06. Hard Life (Prelude)
[00:04:48] 07. Hard Life
[00:04:27] 08. Middle Man
[00:04:18] 09. Man On The Run
[00:05:17] 10. Mistress Of Mine
Продолжительность: 00:43:36
Источник оцифровки: alvaedis Техническая информация: Код класса состояния винила: Ex
Устройство воспроизведения: Michell Gyrodec (Orbe Platter upgrade) SME V Lyra Delos
Предварительный усилитель: PS audio GCPH (power mod)
АЦП: Prism Sound Lyra 2
Обработка: вручную выбрал щелчки в Izotope RX

1981 - Time Exposure (320 kbps) ¤ 00:43:31

[00:05:18] 01. The Night Owls
[00:04:16] 02. Man On Your Mind
[00:03:46] 03. Take It Easy On Me
[00:04:04] 04. Ballerina
[00:04:40] 05. Love Will Survive
[00:01:56] 06. Full Circle
[00:04:01] 07. Just Say That You Love Me
[00:03:29] 08. Suicide Boulevard
[00:04:25] 09. Orbit Zero
[00:03:56] 10. Don't Let The Needle Win
[00:03:35] 11. Guiding Light
Продолжительность: 00:43:43
Источник оцифровки: Valiko Техническая информация: Код класса состояния винила: Ex
Устройство воспроизведения: DIATONE LT-3
Головка звукоснимателя: DENON DL-103
Предварительный усилитель: MC Pre-Preamp - AUDIONIX ADN-III/RIAA Preamp - VICTOR P-3030
АЦП: ESI Juli@
Программа-оцифровщик: AA CS 6
Обработка: не производилась

1983 - The Net (320 kbps) ¤ 00:43:30

[00:05:10] 01. You're Driving Me Out Of My Mind
[00:04:31] 02. We Two
[00:03:19] 03. No More Tears
[00:05:22] 04. Mr. Socialite
[00:02:57] 05. Down On The Border
[00:04:01] 06. The Danger Sign
[00:04:16] 07. Falling
[00:05:11] 08. Sleepless Nights
[00:04:00] 09. Easy Money
[00:04:38] 10. The Net
Продолжительность: 00:43:30
Источник оцифровки: Polydor Техническая информация: Код класса состояния винила: Mint
Устройство воспроизведения: Clear Audio Emotion Denon DL-304
Предварительный усилитель: EAR 834 modifed
Программа-оцифровщик: Sound Forge 10
Обработка: Sound Forge 10

1984 - Playing To Win (320 kbps) ¤ 00:42:21

[00:02:57] 01. Playing To Win
[00:04:06] 02. Reappear
[00:05:01] 03. Blind Eyes
[00:05:16] 04. Through Her Eyes
[00:04:28] 05. When Cathedrals Were White
[00:05:28] 06. Relentless
[00:04:11] 07. Piece Of The Dream
[00:03:30] 08. Don't Blame Me
[00:03:33] 09. One Shot In The Dark
[00:03:46] 10. Count Me In
Продолжительность: 00:42:21
Источник оцифровки: Polydor Техническая информация: Код класса состояния винила: Mint
Устройство воспроизведения: Clear Audio Emotion Denon DL-304
Предварительный усилитель: EAR 834 modifed
Программа-оцифровщик: Sound Forge 10
Обработка: Sound Forge 10

1986 - No Reins (320 kbps) ¤ 00:48:24

[00:04:38] 01. Face In The Crowd
[00:04:48] 02. It's Just A Matter Of Time
[00:04:43] 03. Time For Us
[00:04:41] 04. No Reins On Me
[00:05:09] 05. When The War Is Over
[00:04:29] 06. Thin Ice
[00:04:36] 07. How Many Nights?
[00:05:09] 08. Forever Blue
[00:04:12] 09. Paper Paradise
[00:05:54] 10. It Was The Night
Продолжительность: 00:48:24
Источник оцифровки: Valik

Количество DVD 3 шт.
Тип упаковки Пластиковый бокс
Вес товара с упаковкой (г) 0.16
  • Группа Little River Band была сформирована в Австралии в 1975 году и стала одной из самых успешных групп 70-х.
  • Всего за первые два года работы группа выпустила пять хит-синглов и два альбома, которые продались тиражом более пяти миллионов копий.
  • В 1979 году группа представила альбом «First Under the Wire», который вошёл в чарты США и Великобритании.
  • В настоящее время Little River Band является одной из самых запоминающихся и долгоживущих групп 70-х.
  • В дискографии Little River Band входят 15 студийных альбомов, пять концертных альбомов и три альбома компиляций.
  • В 1975 году после выхода первого альбома Little River Band, вокалист и гитарист Джон Фаррелл был изгнан из группы из-за постоянного употребления наркотиков. В 1996 году было объявлено, что Джон Фаррелл присоединился к группе во время их тура по Австралии, что вызвало бурное недовольство у других участников группы. В 2009 году был создан австралийский суд, чтобы разрешить спор между двумя версиями Little River Band, которые претендовали на защиту торговой марки. Суд принял решение в пользу австралийской версии группы.
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