Glykeria - Дискография 1980-2011

Погрузитесь в мир греческой музыки с дискографией Glykeria 1980-2011. Эта коллекция включает в себя 20 альбомов, в которых вы найдете прекрасные мелодии и глубокие тексты. Откройте для себя уникальный голос и талант этой знаменитой греческой певицы.
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Glykeria - Дискография 1980-2011
- Glykeria -
- Дискография (21 Albums, 2 Singles, 6 Live, 20 Compilations) -
- 1980-2015 -

Жанр: Laika || Год издания диска: 1980-2015 || Страна: Greece ||
Издатель (лейбл): Minos-EMI, Sony BMG Greece, Warner Music Greece, NMC Music, Legend || Аудио кодек: MP3 || Тип рипа: tracks ||
Битрейт аудио: 128-320 kbps || Продолжительность: 66:50:15 || Наличие сканов в содержимом : да ||

Glykeria - сценический псевдоним певицы и автора песни Гликерии Котсулы. Гликерия - от греч. сладкая, народн. Лукерья; разг. Гликёра. Гликерия - известная греческая певица ребетика, лайка, в ее исполнении записано очень много народных песен и песен Малой Азии - она любит этот стиль. Гликерия родилась в 1953 году в Agio Pnevma, Serres, и с детства интересовалась музыкой. Она одна из популярнейших исполнительниц Греции, также известна и любима в других странах Восточного Средиземноморья. По версии Alpha TV в 2010 году Гликерия занимает третье место среди певиц Греции за все время с 1960 года. За пределами Греции Гликерию тоже знают и любят, и особенно в Турции и Израиле, где она некогда была названа самой популярной иностранной певицей. В частности, в Израиле, в 1994 году, мэр Иерусалима вручил Гликерии золотой ключ от города и титул почётного гражданина. В то же самое время в Израиле было выпущено 3 альбома греческой певицы, которые в короткое время стали "золотыми". В 1998 году Гликерия была единственной иностранной артисткой, удостоенной чести выступить на мероприятии, посвящённом памяти убитого израильского премьер-министра Ицхака Рабина, где она пела перед 200-тысячной аудиторией на площади И. Рабина в Тель-Авиве.

Glykeria was born in Serres and more specifically in the village Agio Pnevma (Holy Spirit). When she still was a little girl, she received musical stimuli from her family, which resulted in music taking root in her from very early. Her first appearance on the Greek, musical stage took place in 1974 in the tavern Leto in Plaka.
In 1978, the great composer Apostolos Kaldaras got to know her and they eventually released a record together, her first personal work entitled "Min kanis onira" (stop daydreaming). This record was the beginning of a remarkable career.
In 1980 her second record was released, entitled "Sta matia kitame" (look me in my eyes), which was the result of her first co-operation with her husband Stelios Fotiadis, the man who has always been by her till now, he has accompanied her through her career and has always put his stamp on all her records. It was in 1980 too when Glykeria materialized concerts all over Greece standing by George Dalaras. In 1981, a new record was released, folk songs from Smyrna entitled "Smyrneika". As a result of this work she made a name for herself in Greece, her efforts met with success and more than 200.000 records were sold.
A year later, she participated in the "Europalia"competition with George Dalaras, Sotiria Belou and Margarita Zorbala. Her fourth personal album was released in 1983 entitled "Apo ti Smirni ston Pirea" (From Smyrna to Piraeus), a work full of folk songs written by rebetis from Smyrna. Glykeria has her own extraordinary way of interpreting these songs, in the way she only knows and can. The public believe in her and adore her.
Another album was released, in 1983 too, entitled "Me tin Glykeria stin omorfi nichta" (With Glykeria during the beautiful night). These songs were recorded in the night club that was called in the same way as this album and where Glykeria decided to perform on her own and as it turned out she was right. Her performances in the night club "omorfi nichta" (beautiful night) were a great success and so was her record, which without any exaggeration reached the top. More than 650.000 were sold! It has been placed among the three best albums in Greece that were a sold-out on the market.
By that time Glykeria definitely had already been the most popular singer and wherever she performed in Greece the public felt greatly attracted to her. Everybody seemed to be particularly favourable to her work and every performance of her was a sold-out.
In April 1985 a new record entitled "tragoudi esthimatiko" (sentimental song) was the culmination of her career. It became the number one since the audience gave it preference over anything else for many months. It comprises songs such as "pentohiliara" (five-thousand-drachma notes), ta dachtilidia" (the rings), "piga se magisses" (I went to various witches) and many others very successful and particularly beloved by all the Greeks. This record too was a real sold-out. According to the magazine "Defi" (Tambourine) Glykeria was the top Greek singer for three consecutive years and during this very period more than 400.000 people attended her performances in Greece, in Cyprus and in England. In 1985 she also performed in the Lycabettus theatre with Nikos Papazoglou. These performances were recorded in a new album, entitled "Nichtes magikes sto Lykavito" (Lycabettus' magical nights).
In 1985 too in the children's world championship, which was held in the Olympic stadium in Athens, Glykeria opened the celebration in a unique way by interpreting a poem of Giannis Ritsos, which was set to music by Gianni's Makropoulos. The beginning of this celebration was transmitted by satellite to 120 countries.
A year later Glykeria packed her suitcases and flew to the United States of America , Canada and Australia. During this trip abroad everything she did turned out a great success. She had the same memorable experience in Germany 4 years later, where she performed in six big cities. In the meantime over these years other albums were released that were sold like hot cakes.These albums comprised multi-collection records and were entitled "matia mou" (my eyes-1986), "me panselino"(in the full moon - 1987). In 1988 she completed her co-operation with the discography company "Lyra" by releasing an album that was a collection of folk and island songs entitled "Volta stin Ellada" (go for a ramble all over Greece).
In March 1990 another album was released entitled "ola mou ta mistika" (all my secrets), its music written by Stelios Fotiadis. It became a golden-one and a year later her next album appeared entitled "ksimerose" (it is daylight), which also met with success.
In 1992 Glykeria traveled all over Europe and performed in various concerts in England, Germany, Belgium, Finland etc. When she came back she performed in the Lycabettus theatre. This performance was recorded and the compact disc was released in the same year.
In 1993 Glykeria in co-operation with Stelios Fotiadis produced a new album entitled " I chora ton thavmaton (the wonderland). This album roused public feeling too. In the summer of that year Glykeria organized concerts all over Greece and then two more in Israel which were a sold-out.
In 1994 following some performances in Australia, Glykeria performed in a series of concerts in Israel and was declared "THE BEST FOREIGN SINGER". When her record "Golden Hits" was released in Israel, it became a golden one in a flash. Then, the mayor of Jerusalem offered her the golden key of the city as a reward for her participation in various charity events along with a record that was released all over the world being an offering to Jerusalem's three thousand years of history. Many artists participated in this work such as Adamo, Sinead O' Connor, Enrico Macias, Alpha Blondy, Wailers, Marie Laforet and others. In 1994 a new album was released entitled "se mia schedia" (on a raft), its music composed by Stelios Fotiadis followed in 1995 by the album "faraway" and her first personal record in France entitled "GOLDEN HITS - THE VOICE OF GREECE". At that time the President of Israel, Rabin, a few months before his assassination, expressed the wish to meet Glykeria and she paid a visit to him in the Presidential Palace.
A year later a compact disc was released entitled "Glykeria tragouda Antoni Bardi" (Glykeria sings Antonis Bardis' songs) whose music was exclusively written by Antonis Bardis. This collection was widely praised. In 1997 her third personal record was released in Israel, entitled "14 Classics", which became a golden one as it happened exactly with the previous two records that were released there.
In November 1997 Glykeria's single compact disc was released, entitled "Anapnoi-Anatoli (Breath - Sunrise). Its music and verses were also written by Stelios Fotiadis.
This single was a foretaste of the compact disc ":Maska" (Mask) that was released in July 1998. Various remarkable artists took part in it such as Pachalis Terzis, Elias Aslanoglou and Natasha Atlas. The compact disc soon became popular and a golden one as well.
On the 29th and 30th May of 1999 Glykeria performed in two concerts in Tel Aviv with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Israel. These concerts scored a big success and in September the live recording was released in Israel. Moreover, at the end of November Sony Classical released the album entitled "Glykeria and the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra" all over the world.
In the summer of 1999, Glykeria worked with Tolis Voskopoulos in the Riba's night club in Athens. In September and October Glykeria along with her group of musicians went on tour to Argentina, the United States and Canada. In the winter between 1999 and 2000 she worked with Giannis Poulopoulos and Tolis Voskopoulos in Thessalonica. In the spring of 2000 she went on a long tour to New Zealand and Australia. Right after the tour she performed only for twelve nights on the musical stage "Grammes" (Lines) in a surprising programme, which was a great success.
In the winter 2000-2001 she sang in the night club "Charama" (Dawn) in Kessariani, where Vasilis Tsitsanis performed for many years, putting his stamp on this place. In the night club "Charama" Glykeria with Agathonas Iakovidis, Sofia Papazoglou, Petros Imvrios and Nikos Karagiannis produced a wonderful programme that was recorded and released, entitled "Glykeria-Charama 2001" (Glykeria-Dawn).
In the summer of 2001 Glykeria toured all over Greece and she completed this series of concerts with a tour to the United States and Canada.
In September of 2001 she participated in the record of Omar Faruk Tekbilek "Alif" with two songs.
In the winter of 2001-2002 Glykeria performed with Christos Nikolopoulos in the night club "Medousa" (Medusa) in one of the most successful programmes of the year.
She also took part in the soundtrack of Konstantinos Giannaris' film "Dekapentavgoustos" (15th of August). She won the prize "ARION" of IFPI as the best singer in the folk music for the year 2001.
In the spring of 2002 her new personal album was released in Israel, entitled "Open Heart".
In 2002 a double album was released by the discography company EROS MUSIC entitled "Ta rebetika tis Glykerias" (Glykeria's rebetis songs). These were rebetis and folk songs written by the best Greek composers of this kind of music. This album was also released in Turkey by the discography company SONY MUSIC entitled "Glykeria's rebetika songs".
In the summer of 2002 she toured all over Greece and Cyprus. She also took part in two concerts, which were dedicated to the work of Mikis Theodorakis, with the orchestra of folk music "Mikis Theodorakis" in the "Katrakio" theatre and in the "Lycabettus" theatre.
She also sang in a concert of Marios Tokas in the "Irodio" theatre (Herodian) and in another concert organized by the magazine "Difono" (Duet) in the "Lycabettus" theatre. The last concert was dedicated to the work of the composer Theodoros Derviniotis.
In the winter of 2002-2003 she performed anew in the historical night club "Charama" (Dawn), where in an alternating programme she sang with Natasha Atlas, Omar Farouk Tekbilek, Loukianos Kilaidonis and Mary Linda.
In the summer of 2003 she took part in a concert dedicated to the songs of Asia Minor
with George Dalaras and the orchestra Estudiantina in the "Irodio" theatre (Herodian). She also gave a concert with Pantelis Thalassinos in the "Lycabettus" theatre and she began her tour all over Greece, where she gave thirty concerts. She completed her summer programme with another tour to the United States and Canada, where she scored a big success.
From October 2003 to March 2004 she performed in the night club "Sfentona" (Sling) with Kostas Makedonas. On the 25th of March, 2004 when the Olympic Torch Race began, she gave the first concert in Andritsena.
On the 1st May, 2004 she gave her first concert in Constantinople (Istanbul) in the "ISBANK Concert Hall", which turned out a great success. The mass media in Turkey made nothing but laudatory comments on the work of the Greek singer.
In May of 2004 her new personal album was released, entitled "Aniksi" (spring) with sixteen songs written by her friends and well-known composers such as Antonis Vardis, Pantelis Thalassinos, Vasilis kazoulis, Sokratis Malamas, Christoforos Germenis, Stelios Fotiadis and others. In this album she interprets one song together with Antonis Vardis and one with Dimitris Zervoudakis. This album also became a golden one very soon while it marked Glykeria's return to discography after an absence of 8 years. In the summer of 2004 Glykeria and her orchestra were again on a tour in Greece and abroad.
In the winter season of 2004-2005 she performed in the night club "Sfentona" (Sling) in co-operation with Kostas Makedonas, Melina Kana and Gerasimos Andreatos.
They scored a big success in this programme and as a result it was repeated in June in Thessalonica.
In the summer of 2005 she gave concerts with Kostas Makedonas all over Greece.In March 2005, Glykeria invited the Ecumenical Patriarch, Sunday of Orthodoxy gives a single concert in the city where he met great success.
In the winter of 2005-2006 she performed once again in the night club "Sfentona" in co-operation with Pitsa Papadopoulou, Gerasimos Andreatos, Keti Koullia and Michalis Tzouganakis in a programme called "A song from your hometown".
In the summer of 2006 her last personal album was released, entitled "Vrochi ton asterion" (Rain of stars) in which she co-operated with famous artists in the Greek music such as Michalis Hatzigiannis, Stamatis Kraounakis, Haris Alexiou, Crhistoforos Germenis and others. This compact disc was a big success, it became a golden one while for the song "krifto"(hide-and-seek), which was the most successful single of this compact disc, she won the prize of the best artistic video-clip in the music prizes organized by the TV channel MAD.
In the winter of 2006-2007 she co-operated with Dimitris Mitropanos, Stelios Dionisiou and Melina Aslanidou in the night club "Akti Pireos" while in the spring of the same year Tolis Voskopoulos succeeded Dimitris Mitropanos in this programme.
In the summer of 2007 she signed a contract with the discography company "Legend" and she began to prepare her new album with exceptional folk songs of Mikis Theodorakis. At the same time her second album was released in Turkey, entitled "Best of Glykeria" while she also made preparations for the winter so as to perform with Michalis Hatzigiannis in the night club "VOX".
In September of 2008 she moved to Thessalonica, where she performed with Michalis Hatzigiannis in the night club "FIX". In the meantime, one of her dreams came true: The double album "Ta themelia mou sta vouna" (my roots in the mountains) with 37 songs written by Mikis Theodorakis was released.
In December of 2008 she performed with Eleni Tsaligopoulou and the band "Trifono" (Trio) in the night club "Polis Theatre" in a programme drawn up by Lina Nikolakopoulou.
In the spring of 2009 she was on a long tour to the United States and Australia along with Kostas Karafotis.
In the summer of 2009 she went on tour all over Greece with her group of musicians and the orchestra "Estudiantina". She also participated in various concerts that were dedicated to great personalities of the Greek music such as Stelios Kazantzidis and Lefteris Papadopoulos.The winter 2009-2010 it finds him in the PLATO with hristos Nikolopoulos, Melina Aslanidoy and Kostas participates in cd DILEK KOC and in album Michali Chatzigianni titled “Kolaz”. Finally participates in the children's cd his Tassos Ioannidi “Chachana… H Cabbages”, and in new cd Manolis Lidaki.on March 2010 in half note club Glykeria sings theatrical songs for the day of theatre, together with Z.Tiganoyria in the akornteon.I Spring 2010 finds him in the FIX in Thessalonica with the form of Winter, where in the place of K.Karafoti is G.Lianos.
May 2010 makes a great concert in Athens with the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Municipality Madras Attica, while the same month I sing for the third time in Constantinople in the church of St. Irene in the palace of Sultan, the Topkapi Palace, where deified!!
The summertime 2010 makes concerts with M.Aslanidoy and G.Liano, while it participates in concerts with Byzantine dance HDYMELO company with the Αreti Ketime.
In September 2010 released a cd entitled "Love is free" with music by George Zika and lyrics by B. Allagianni.
Him winter of 2010-2011 sings in "Athens scene" Vouliagmeni Avenue 22, from Friday, December 3 2010.Parea with K. Macedon and C. Theophanous in a single program.
On 03/13/2011 found for second time in Istanbul Sunday of Orthodoxy invited by the Patriiarchi for a single concert.
On Monday 5 July 2011 involved the closing ceremony of Special Olympics Athens 2011 singing the Shadows of D. Savopoulou.


1980 - Στα Μάτια Κοίτα Με - (160 kbps)

Продолжительность: 00:32:51

  • 01. Κάποια Γιορτή - (02:36)
  • 02. Ο Μπαγλαμάς - (02:19)
  • 03. Βρχή Στα Μάτια - (03:21)
  • 04. Το Πρόγραμμα Τελείωσε - (02:39)
  • 05. Παρασκευή - (03:12)
  • 06. Την Κυριακή Παντρεύομαι - (02:19)
  • 07. Παραπονάκι Μου - (02:20)
  • 08. Απόψε Πάλι Σε Θυμάμαι - (02:40)
  • 09. Βρε Πως Άλλαξε Ο Κόσμος - (02:41)
  • 10. Του Κόσμου Οι Πασχαλιές - (03:12)
  • 11. Πήρε Τ΄όνειρο Ο Καιρός - (02:43)
  • 12. Στα Μάτια Κοίτα Με - (02:49)

1981 - Τα Σμυρνέϊκα - (128 kbps)

Продолжительность: 00:42:12

  • 01. Η Μπολσεβίκα - (03:27)
  • 02. Ο Μπροχώρης - (04:02)
  • 03. Σκερτσοπεταχτό - (02:27)
  • 04. Μπουρνοβαλιά - (02:47)
  • 05. Ο Φερετζές - (02:35)
  • 06. Σμυρνιά - (03:16)
  • 07. Αρμενίτσα - (02:47)
  • 08. Τι Σε Μέλει Εσένα - (03:09)
  • 09. Η Έλλη - (03:26)
  • 10. Τ΄αποφάσισα Μικρή Μου - (03:06)
  • 11. Κουκλάκι - (03:11)
  • 12. Ντερβίσαινα - (03:03)
  • 13. Τζιβαέρι - (04:56)

1983 - Από τη Σμύρνη στο Πειραιά - (160 kbps)

Продолжительность: 00:40:29

  • 01. Γκελ Γκελ Αμάν - (03:37)
  • 02. Καραμπιπερίμ - (03:35)
  • 03. Βάλε Με Στην Αγκαλιά Σου - (03:20)
  • 04. Κατσιβέλα - (03:05)
  • 05. Χήρα Η Μοντέρνα - (03:11)
  • 06. Ο Μεμέτης - (04:11)
  • 07. Από Ξένο Τόπο - (03:13)
  • 08. Πασαλιμανιώτισσα - (03:18)
  • 09. Μες Της Αθήνας Τις Ομορφιές - (03:16)
  • 10. Η Μικρή Του Καμηλιέρη - (03:08)
  • 11. Η Μαρίτσα Η Σμυρνιά - (03:19)
  • 12. Η Ξαβεριώτισσα - (03:16)

1985 - Τραγούδι Αισθηματικό (2CD) - (160 kbps)

Продолжительность: 01:19:55

CD 1
Продолжительность: 00:40:25

  • 01. Τα Πεντοχίλιαρα - (03:13)
  • 02. Στην Οδό Ερωτευμένων - (02:52)
  • 03. Σ΄αγαπω - (04:23)
  • 04. Μια Καρδιά Την Έχω - (03:38)
  • 05. Τραγουδι Αισθηματικό - (03:43)
  • 06. Παράδεισο Μου Έταξες - (02:44)
  • 07. Πήγα Σε Μάγισσες - (03:13)
  • 08. Δε Μου Φτάνουν Δυο Ζωές - (02:17)
  • 09. Δικιά Σου Η Καρδιά - (03:46)
  • 10. Σαν Το Ζάρι Η Αγάπη - (02:53)
  • 11. Και Συ Χόρευες Σαν Βροχή - (04:41)
  • 12. Κάνει Η Αγάπη Θαύματα - (03:02)

CD 2
Продолжительность: 00:39:33

  • 01. Να ΄χα Όσα Έχει Η Τράπεζα - (02:40)
  • 02. Τα Δαχτυλίδια - (03:27)
  • 03. Θα Με Θυμηθείς Μια Μέρα - (02:57)
  • 04. Ζωη Το Γλυκοχάραμα - (04:12)
  • 05. Αποψε Που Έφυγες Εσύ - (03:05)
  • 06. Τα Μάτια Σου Είναι Όνειρο - (02:31)
  • 07. Φανταρακι - (02:59)
  • 08. Με Σένανε Που Διάλεξα - (03:34)
  • 09. Του Έρωτα Το Φάρμακο - (03:32)
  • 10. Σου Στέλνω Δυο Παράπονα - (03:01)
  • 11. Σε Ψάχνω Και Σ΄ Αναζητώ - (04:26)
  • 12. Κράτησα Την Αγάπη Μας - (03:09)

1986 - Μάτια Μου - (128 kbps)

Продолжительность: 00:34:53

  • 01. Με Μπουνάτσες Και Μποφόρια - (02:50)
  • 02. Εγώ Είμαι Απ'την Καλαμαριά - (06:08)
  • 03. Οτι Και Να Γίνει Θυμήσου - (03:11)
  • 04. Έλληνας Πρέπει Νάσαι - (03:10)
  • 05. Όταν Βλέπεις Κάποιον Μόνο - (03:13)
  • 06. Τα Κουρέλια - (04:04)
  • 07. Μάνα Μου Είναι Η Ανατολή - (04:09)
  • 08. Στ'ουρανου Το Περιβόλι - (02:56)
  • 09. Κάθε Νύχτα - (02:36)
  • 10. Γίνομαι Καθρέφτης - (02:36)

1987 - Με Πανσέληνο - (128 kbps)

Продолжительность: 00:38:33

  • 01. Με Πανσέληνο - (04:13)
  • 02. Αυτή Τη Νύχτα - (03:04)
  • 03. Ύποπτες Αγάπες - (03:09)
  • 04. Πάντα Περίμενα - (03:17)
  • 05. Η Φλογίτσα - (03:06)
  • 06. Και Ζαλίστηκα - (03:08)
  • 07. Δουλειά Δεν Έχει Ο Έρωτας - (02:53)
  • 08. Καμιά Φορά Συμβαίνει - (02:36)
  • 09. Μιλούσες Πάντα Για Φεγγάρια - (03:11)
  • 10. Τα Ταρώ - (03:23)
  • 11. Για Ποιάν Αγάπη - (03:41)
  • 12. Εσένα Η Τίποτα - (02:52)

1989 - Βόλτα Στην Ελλάδα - (128 kbps)

Продолжительность: 01:14:14

  • 01. Μές Του Αιγαίου Τα Νησιά - (03:26)
  • 02. Λυγαριά - (03:18)
  • 03. Στ΄ορκίζομαι Στο Κύμα - (02:39)
  • 04. Πάρε Με Στη Βάρκα Μέσα - (01:57)
  • 05. Μπήκα Μικρός Στη Θάλασσα - (03:10)
  • 06. Το Πλατανιώτικο Νερό - (03:26)
  • 07. Έλα Να Πάμε Σ΄ένα Μέρος - (02:42)
  • 08. Μπρατσέρα - (03:02)
  • 09. Μελαχροινό - (02:36)
  • 10. Το Μαντηλάκι - (02:53)
  • 11. Στον Αρτέμωνα - (03:02)
  • 12. Θάλασσα Μπαμπέσα - (02:51)
  • 13. Όσο Βαρούν Τα Σίδερα - (04:24)
  • 14. Μανουσάκια - (02:32)
  • 15. Βρύση Μου Μαλαματένια - (02:55)
  • 16. Αυτά Τα Μάτια Τα Γλυκά - (03:01)
  • 17. Αννούλα - (02:50)
  • 18. Ο Ήλιος - (03:05)
  • 19. Στης Πάργας Τον Άνθρωπο - (03:06)
  • 20. Ματζουράνα - (02:28)
  • 21. Μάη Με Τα Λουλούδια Σου - (03:04)
  • 22. Καλό Ταξείδι Μάτια Μου - (02:46)
  • 23. Ποταμέ Μου - (03:02)
  • 24. Όλες Οι Μελαχροινές - (02:52)
  • 25. Δώ Στα Λιανοχορταρούδια - (03:07)

1991 - Ξημέρωσε - (160 kbps)

Продолжительность: 00:45:26

  • 01. Tha Pethano Apo Erota - (03:55)
  • 02. Genniemai Mia - (04:13)
  • 03. Einai I Agapi Mou Trelli - (03:19)
  • 04. Se Latrevo - (03:46)
  • 05. Dio Kai Dio - (02:34)
  • 06. Ksimerose - (03:25)
  • 07. Fevgo Fevgo - (02:36)
  • 08. Ola - (03:31)
  • 09. Kathotane Se Ekeino To Trapezi - (03:50)
  • 10. Ase Na Pethano - (03:27)
  • 11. Pikres - (03:30)
  • 12. Ekplikta Matia
Количество DVD 2 шт.
Тип упаковки Пластиковый бокс
Вес товара с упаковкой (г) 0.14
Glykeria - греческая певица, которая начала свою карьеру в 1974 году. Ее музыкальный стиль сочетает в себе элементы народной музыки, рок-н-ролла и джаза. В ее дискографии собраны лучшие хиты, которые были выпущены с 1980 по 2011 годы. Один из самых известных альбомов Glykeria - "Τα Ρεμπέτικα της Γλυκερίας" (Rembetika Glykerias), который был выпущен в 1994 году. Этот альбом содержит классические греческие песни, которые были переосмыслены и исполнены в уникальном стиле Glykeria. Еще один интересный альбом - "Τα Τραγούδια της Πατρίδας" (Ta Tragoudia tis Patridas), который был выпущен в 2001 году. Этот альбом посвящен греческой истории и культуре, и содержит песни, которые были написаны в разные периоды греческой истории. Glykeria также известна своими сотрудничествами с другими известными греческими музыкантами, такими как Γιώργος Νταλάρας (Giorgos Dalaras) и Νίκος Παπάζογλου (Nikos Papazoglou). Если вы любите греческую музыку, то дискография Glykeria - это отличный выбор для вашей коллекции CD дисков. Ее уникальный стиль и красивый голос не оставят вас равнодушными.
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